PVC Curtains

4 reasons to use PVC curtains & doors in the winter


PVC curtains and doors are useful all year round, but in the winter, they can have particularly helpful applications. Here are the four reasons why you should think about installing PVC strips at your place of work ready for the winter.

1. Heat retention

The big thing you have to deal with in the winter is your heating bill. Whether you have open entranceways or closed doors, you will inevitably face some loss of the heated air that you have paid to warm up. When the door is opened, and particularly when an employee subsequently forgets to close it, the air loss can be rapid. Your heating bill will rise dramatically as a result.

Click here for a PVC Curtains online quote
Click here for a PVC Curtains online quote

With PVC strips, there is a much higher degree of heat retention compared to an open doorway. When someone passes through, the strips fall instantly back into place, which makes it superior to a door as well.

2. Hygiene

With the cold weather in the winter, it’s easier to forget about hygiene. This is still a huge issue in many workplaces, however, and does need to be addressed at all times of year.

PVC curtains help to prevent the spread of germs, and will keep noise pollution to a minimum as a bonus. You can also wipe them clean very easily, which will keep it simple for your hygiene team.

3. Durability

Many materials are simply not cut out for the job of surviving the winter when they are exposed to cold weather. Wooden doors can swell when soaked with water, and repeated freezing can cause many materials to crack.

Freezer-grade PVC is capable of withstanding low temperatures without cracking, changing shape or size, or sustaining any damage. It will still remain flexible and perform as expected when temperatures are low. This makes it perfectly suited for an outwards-facing door or window.

4. Ease of use

If you are realising in the middle of the winter that you need a new door solution, or you need to put in some repairs, then it’s a huge bonus that PVC strips are easy and quick to install. They will arrive with you and be ready to go very soon, so you will have to endure the heat leak for less time.

It’s also very easy to replace the curtains, even if it is only one strip that has been damaged. You can simply detach it and hang a new one right in the same place. It’s as easy as that, and installation couldn’t be quicker. This is a huge benefit when time is of the essence. You also won’t need to replace them often, because of the durability that we explored earlier.

Whatever time of year it may be, installing PVC curtains and windows is a fantastic way to improve your workplace and increase your efficiency in terms of heating and health and safety. In the winter, it’s clear that these steps are even more necessary. Don’t waste time with other solutions which won’t do the same job!

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